EU Programme for Education - Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for education, training, youth and sport. A budget amounting to approximately €26.2 billion will be available between 2021 to 2027. This is almost a doubling of funds compared to the previous programme. The 2021-2027 programme has a strong focus on social inclusion, green and digital transformation and promoting young people's participation in democratic life. It supports the priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda.

Erasmus+ is structured around three Key Actions, plus Jean Monnet and Sport.

  • Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals

    Key Action 1 aims to encourage the mobility of students, staff, volunteers, youth workers, and young people. Organisations can arrange to send or receive students and staff to or from participating countries, as well as organise teaching, training, learning and volunteering activities.

    Further Information:

  • Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

    Within the framework of Key Action 2, various funding instruments are combined under one roof to promote the internationalisation of European higher education institutions. These include, among others, the following measures:

    Cooperation Partnerships
    In this action, multilateral European partnerships can be applied for: both between higher education institutions and with partners from the non-academic sector to support their internationalisation activities in different education sectors. It is the successor programme to the Strategic Partnerships.

    Capacity building
    Capacity building projects in the field of higher education supports the modernisation, accessibility, and internationalisation of higher education in Partner Countries.

    Alliances for Innovation
    The Alliances for Innovation are divided into two funding lines. The Alliances for Education and Enterprises (Lot 1) are the direct continuation of the Knowledge Alliances. These large-scale cooperation projects between European universities and companies aim to promote innovation in Europe. The Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (Lot 2) are the direct continuation of the Sector Skills Alliances. The aim is to train and retrain workers to meet the demands of the modern labour market.

    Further Information:
    Key Action 2

  • Key Action 3: Support to policy development and cooperation

    Key Action 3 provides support to policy cooperation at European Union level, thereby contributing to the development of new policies, which can trigger modernisation and reforms, at European Union, and systems' level, in the fields of education, training youth and sport.

    Further Information:
    Key Action 3 [in German only]

  • Jean Monnet Activities

    Opportunities for teaching, research, and policy debate on the EU and its policies.

    Further Information:
    Jean Monnet Activities


Dr. Maike Gummert
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover