Before You Leave

  • Accommodation
    • Remember to terminate your tenancy agreement in time. Please note that the statutory notice period is three months.


    • In addition to your tenancy agreement, you should also remember to terminate other contracts (electricity, water, gas, telephone, internet, TV and radio license fee).
  • Administrative procedures

    Please deregister at the citizens’ administration office in Hannover before your departure!

  • Finances
    • File a tax return (if necessary, consult a tax professional).
    • Please check whether you are entitled to a pension under the German Pension Insurance Scheme: Findyourpension
    • Close your German bank account (if applicable). We recommend closing your bank account shortly before you leave. This will enable you to use your account until the end of your stay.
  • Stays with children
    • Inform the school or kindergarten that your children are leaving.
    • Notify the authority responsible for child benefits and parental allowance of your departure.
  • Memberships
    • Cancel your insurance policies, subscriptions, and memberships.
    • Return your MensaCard, library card, etc.
Please note

We advise you to start preparing for your departure well ahead of time as the standard period of notice in Germany is three months. For detailed information on the relevant period of notice, please check the respective contracts (e.g. tenancy agreement).


Manuela Schimmels
Welfengarten 1A
30167 Hannover
Welfengarten 1A
30167 Hannover