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Paragraph 219a - »Das Politische ist persönlich«
20 Jan
20. Januar 2020

D-STEM: a statistical software for modelling complex 3D and 4D space-time data

Relevant physical, environmental and social phenomena usually occur at large or global scale and with a temporal dynamicd that goes from days to years. Collecting and analysing data is the only way to understand those phenomena and, when needed, to propose actions of improvement or mitigation. D-STEM is a MATLAB software that implements statistical models for analysing multivariate and functional space-time data collected at local or global scale. In this seminar, it is discussed which kind of data sets are handled by D-STEM and how the software can be used for space-time predictions and inference. D-STEM capabilities in handling large data sets are also detailed.


  • Francesco Finazzi, PhD
  • University of Bergamo, Italy


Institut für Kartographie und Geoinformatik


20. Januar 2020
11:00 Uhr


Raum: 410-411
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover