Leibniz University Hannover University News & Events Press Releases
“Europe: Diverse History – Shared Identity?”

“Europe: Diverse History – Shared Identity?”

Press release from

Latest issue of research magazine “Unimagazin” is available

"United in diversity" has been the motto of the European Union for 17 years. It signifies the initial concept of a peaceful Europe, which united Europeans in working together for peace and prosperity after two world wars. Europe is a continent enriched by different cultures, traditions and languages.

The latest issue of Unimagazin shows an extract of the overwhelming diversity that defines Europe, but also addresses current challenges. The contributions begin with Brexit - the impending withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU - and discuss who voted for and against Brexit. After that, the articles focus on how the euroscepticism of the British evolved over the years. Another focal point is the relationship between Europe and the USA after the election of Donald Trump. In this context, reasons and possible consequences are discussed.

Subsequently, the focus is on historical backgrounds: Peter Antes from the Institute of Theology and History of Religions shows, that all major religions have their roots in Asia - not Europe. His contribution is a vigorous call for tolerance and readiness to enter into dialogue. A closer look at the network of relationships between Hannover and London in the 17th century, European cities as historical heritage and the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 emphasises the importance of incorporating Europe''s history into future developments.

At university, students come to Hannover or spend time abroad in another European country to get to know new countries, different people and cultures. The exchange programme Erasmus+ celebrates its 30th anniversary and takes stock.

The research magazine also illustrates individual aspects of political decisions like the digital strategy of the EU or the development of interest rates in euro countries.


Christiane Lemke
Institute of Political Science
Brexit and Europe
Reasons and Possible Consequences

Jana Gohrisch/Rainer Schulze
English Department
"Brexit means Brexit!"
- Or So They Say...

Christiane Lemke/Jakob Wiedekind
Institute of Political Science
Transatlantic Turmoil
The Relationship of Europe and the USA after the Election of Donald Trump

Peter Antes
Institute of Theology and History of Religions
In Terms of Religion, Europe Depends on Import
A Story of Origin

Michaela Hohkamp
History Department
Close to the Sovereign
Lower Nobility in the Vicinity of Welf Dukes on the English Throne

Markus Jager
Institute of Architectural History and Theory
European Cities
Evolved Heritage - Designed Spaces

Prof. Jörg Schröder
Institute of Design and Urban Design
Creative Heritage
An Agenda for Renewable Cities, Resilience, and Territorial Innovation in the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

Rainer Danielzyk, Martin Prominski, Frank Othengrafen, Kendra Busche,
Institute of Open Space Planning and Design, Institute of Environmental Planning
EMiLA and EuMiTD:
Study, Plan, and Design in the European Context

Francesco Ducatelli, Anne Höch,
International Office
Europe - From Continent to Identity
The Exchange Programme Erasmus+

Bernd Oppermann
Institute of German and European Civil and Commercial Law
International Connections in Law
The ELPIS Network

Petra Buck-Heeb
Institute of German and European Civil and Commercial Law
Europe''s Involvement in the Granting of Loans
The Example of Property Purchase

Christian Heinze, Michael Nicolai, Gabriel Prado Ojea
Institute of Legal Informatics
Is Europe Digital?
The "Digital Single Market" Strategy of the EU

Philipp Sibbertsen, Michelle Voges, Christian Leschinski
Institute of Statistics
Long-Term Stability and Balance
Insights into the Development of Interest Rates in Euro Countries

Note to editors:

For further information, please contact Monika Wegener from the Alumni Office at Leibniz University Hannover (Tel.: +49 511 762 2516, email: monika.wegener@zuv.uni-hannover.de.) You can order the magazine there. All contributions can also be found online at http://www.uni-hannover.de/de/universitaet/veroeffentlichungen/unimagazin/