Lower Saxony Preparatory Foundation Course
(Niedersächsisches Studienkolleg)
Building 2705
Am Kleinen Felde 30
30167 Hannover
Tel. +49 511 762 -17690
Fax +49 511 762 -17689
The Lower Saxony Studienkolleg (Preparatory Foundation Course) caters for prospective students with qualifications from abroad who have been registered by an academic university in Lower Saxony. In a variety of courses, the Studienkolleg prepares prospective students for degree programmes in mathematics and natural sciences, medicine, engineering, law or business studies. The final examination, or assessment test, at the Studienkolleg, serves as a qualification for embarking on a degree at any German university.
Lower Saxony Preparatory Foundation Course
(Niedersächsisches Studienkolleg)
Building 2705
Am Kleinen Felde 30
30167 Hannover
Tel. +49 511 762 -17690
Fax +49 511 762 -17689