The European Research Council

Europe's award for exceptional researchers


Are you an outstanding researcher? Do you have groundbreaking or unconventional research ideas?

The funding programmes of the European Research Council (ERC) offer excellent opportunities for cutting-edge research across all scientific fields. The ERC aims to reward innovative proposals by emphasising the quality of the idea rather than the research area. In particular, the ERC promotes basic and visionary research where scientific excellence is the key criterion for selection. With a project budget of 1.5-2.5 million euros and a duration of up to five years, the ERC grants represent an attractive funding source and an award for excellence.

The ERC Advanced Grant addresses established, leading principal investigators with an outstanding scientific track record who want long-term funding to pursue a groundbreaking, high-risk project. The ERC Consolidator Grant supports researchers who want to consolidate their independence by establishing or strengthening a research team and continuing to develop a successful career in Europe. The aim of the ERC Starting Grant is to support the scientific independence of talented early career scientists who have a promosing scientific track record by enabling them to build up a dedicated research team.

Support offered by the EU Liaison Office

  • Extensive support during the application process
  • Advising support during the implementation of the project

Contact persons for questions regarding the ERC

Dr. Heike Gernns
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
Non-public person