Tenure Track / Fast Track to Tenure

Appointing junior academics to LUH

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The purpose of the tenure-track process is to offer attractive career prospects to excellent academics, particularly junior ones, at Leibniz University Hannover and to retain highly qualified academics at the university in the long term.

Tenure Track at Leibniz University Hannover

You can find out about the legal framework and more detailed information on tenure-track processes, from the appointment as part of the normal or fast-track process to the interim and tenure evaluation process.

Here you can find out more about the people involved in tenure-track processes, such as the vice president for human resources development, or the international Leibniz-Tenure-Board, a body of experts responsible for tenure evaluations.

Here we offer you information on Fast Track to Tenure, the special support programme for excellent young academics at Leibniz Universität Hannover.


You can find a first insight into the welcoming culture at Leibniz University for our newly appointed tenure-track professors here.


Dr. Justin Siefert
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover