Before your stay abroad

You should contact the Exchange Coordinator of your faculty/department before embarking on your study abroad to find out about recognition options. A Learning Agreement (available from the link below) should be discussed and completed together with your Exchange Coordinator before your departure.
During your stay abroad
During your study abroad, make sure that you have notification of the credits and examinations earnt. Original documents must be presented for the accreditation procedure at Leibniz University Hannover.
Please discuss any changes to your Learning Agreement with your Exchange Coordinator. The second page of the Learning Agreement can be used for amendments.

After your stay abroad

After returning to Leibniz University Hannover, please submit your Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records (transcript of grades / certificate) to your Exchange Coordinator or Erasmus Officer, who will pre-check it and pass it on to the Examination Committee or to the dean of studies responsible.
The Examination Committee or the Dean of Studies will then send you notification of recognition, and will inform the Examination Office accordingly. This notification will also mention the modules/courses to which credits earned abroad are being transferred.
The Examination Office records the recognition. If you are interested in having credits earned abroad included in your Diploma Supplement, please contact the Recognition Officer in your faculty.
Documents and Templates
Here you will find templates of the individual documents, as well as a graphic representation of the procedure for the recognition of study or examination achievements acquired abroad for students and an orientation framework for the recognition of study and examination achievements.