Environmental Meteorology
(Bachelor of Science)
Part-time study is optional (not in the 1st or 2nd semester).
German HZB: none
International application: German C1
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Stay abroad possible, but not obligatory.
Short Description
Meteorology is the study of physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere. The bachelor’s programme in Environmental Meteorology, which is unique in Germany, combines the foundations of meteorology with a strong focus on environmental aspects and an interdisciplinary education in the areas of environmental science and environmental engineering.
The bachelor’s programme in Environmental Meteorology explores the conditions and processes in the atmosphere that are caused by human intervention. In particular, issues such as urban climate and renewable energies are addressed, e.g. by considering the processes between the earth’s surface and the ground-level atmosphere to understand problems related to heat stress and air quality in cities or to determine the wind energy potential. At the same time, biometeorology and agrometeorology deal with interactions between climate, weather, soil, plants and animals.
Besides providing a grounding in meteorology, mathematics, physics and engineering, the curriculum focuses on numerical and experimental meteorology in the ground-level atmosphere (atmospheric boundary layer). This lays the foundations for the master’s degree in Environmental Engineering.
The degree programme, offered in cooperation with the Technische Universität Braunschweig and the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, draws on the various meteorological options offered by the three universities.
All courses (with the exception of field internships) take place at the Leibniz University Hannover. Planned courses offered by the cooperating universities will be transmitted to the premises of Leibniz University Hannover via video conference if necessary.
Course Content
- Foundations of meteorology (introduction to meteorology and climatology, theoretical meteorology, boundary layer meteorology)
- Environmental meteorology (urban climatology, regenerative energy systems, agrometeorology, biometeorology)
- Mathematics and physics
- Engineering sciences (thermodynamics, hydrology and water management, flows in hydrosystems)
- Environmental and natural sciences
- In-depth content from the fields of meteorology and overarching topics, as well as key skills
The bachelor’s programme in Environmental Meteorology is essentially divided into a compulsory area with a total of 155 ECTS points (CP) and a compulsory elective area with a total of 25 CP, which is offered in semesters 3 to 6. The compulsory area involves specialist courses in meteorology, mathematics, physics, engineering, and environmental and natural sciences. The compulsory elective area covers the thematic areas of meteorology, engineering, environmental and natural sciences. In total, the meteorology courses account for more than 90 CP.
Students are first taught the general basics of meteorology and climatology. From the third semester onwards, theoretical meteorology lays the foundation for the various aspects of environmental meteorology. In the final phase of the bachelor’s programme, students specialise in two branches: Numerical Environmental Meteorology and Experimental Environmental Meteorology.
Having completed the bachelor’s degree, graduates have direct access to the master’s programme in Environmental Engineering.
- Willingness to explore the foundations of mathematics and physics
- A logical way of thinking and a precise method of working
- An interest in the natural sciences and in environmental issues
- The public sector in the field of municipal planning (urban planning, regional planning, environmental planning)
- The German Meteorological Service (DWD)
- Environmental planning companies and engineering firms, especially for expert activities (wind assessments, wind potential, urban climate analysis)
- Industry (wherever measurement and simulation methods are used, e.g. in the wind industry)
Also: MSc Meteorology at other universities in Germany.
Admission Requirements
This degree programme is admission-free.
If you did not graduate from a German school nor have a German higher education entrance qualification (for example, the Abitur), a language certificate proving your knowledge of German is required for the application and enrollment.
Application Deadlines
01.06.-30.09. of the year for the winter semester
- First-year students (application for the 1st semester) can only enrol for the winter semester.
- Students resuming their studies and transfer students (application for a higher semester) can also enrol for the summer semester (December 1st - January 15th).
- Requirements for applications from non-EU countries:
- VPD from uni-assist OR a passed assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) of a preparatory foundation course (Studienkolleg)
- Applications for the Studienkolleg must be submitted by July 15th.
Environmental Meteorology (B.Sc.) - Anna talks about her studies
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