Humboldt meets Leibniz

Emerging Topics in Biomedical Engineering and Implant Research
September 22-24, 2024, Herrenhausen Palace Hannover, Germany

Will the implants of the future last a lifetime? Will we succeed in identifying and overcoming inflammation- and rejection-related implant complications and achieve improved functionality, longevity and safety? Researchers from across disciplines and generations will discuss these and other questions in Hannover. Under the slogan “Connecting Talents Across Generations”, the networking event brings together Alexander von Humboldt Award winners and young researchers from Germany and abroad. The programme encourages interaction and includes scientific forums as well as opportunities for sharing experiences, networking and discussing topics relevant to career development.

Conference Topic 2024

The event will be dedicated to current research issues in biomedical engineering and implant research. Extensive clinical and interdisciplinary scientific collaborations within the Cluster of Excellence Hearing4All, and the Collaborative Research Centre “Safety Integrated and Infection Reactive Implants (SIIRI)”, coupled with a unique interdisciplinary, trans-institutional infrastructure at the Lower Saxony Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Implant Research and Development (NIFE), have resulted in Hannover becoming a renowned and internationally visible scientific location for innovative implant research in recent years.

Implants are indispensable for replacing organs or tissues in many medical disciplines. In view of the demographic development, the worldwide demand for medical implants will grow steadily in the future, as will the range of medical disciplines offering therapies with implantable devices. However, implant systems available today have significant shortcomings in terms of lifelong function, and none of the currently available products in all medical fields guarantees lifelong durability.

Premature implant failures often result in disability or reduced life expectancy for patients. This situation represents one of the greatest challenges of modern medicine and highlights the need to initiate interdisciplinary research to create a lifelong implant-patient synergy.

The topic of the symposium will cover the full range of clinical and basic implant research. This includes, among others:

  • Biomedical research
  • Materials science and metamaterials
  • Material simulation
  • Microelectronics and sensor technology
  • Tissue engineering
  • (Dental) Prosthetics
  • Medical and bioinformatics and machine learning
I thoroughly enjoyed this event - great people in a lovely setting for a fun couple of days. The opportunity to network and share experience was fantastic and have only fond memories of the experience, the people and the town.
Prof. Dr. Andrew Forbes, University of the Witwatersrand

Co-operation Partners

Humboldt meets Leibniz is a joint event of Leibniz University Hannover and the Volkswagen Foundation, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).


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