Freedom of research is enshrined in article 5 paragraph 3 of the German Basic Law. Free research contributes greatly to promoting the health, prosperity, and security of humankind, as well as to protecting the environment. Furthermore, scientifically successful research requires transparency, free exchange of knowledge, and the publication and discussion of research findings.
Yet free and transparent research is also associated with risks: useful research findings could be misused for harmful purposes. This problem arises especially when research findings can be misused directly, without intermediate steps (known as "dual use research of concern"). In view of this, Leibniz University Hannover has adopted various measures to guarantee transparency regarding the research conducted at LUH, as well as to limit risks arising from the misuse of research findings for harmful purposes. Transparency is ensured through continuous and easily accessible information on research projects and findings. If researchers at Leibniz University Hannover identify any concerns regarding possible consequences of their research for security, health, or the environment, they are able to consult a Committee for Responsibility in Research when planning and implementing their projects. The potential dangers of high-risk research and the limits of freedom of research are discussed in a series of public lectures (free admission).