Inventions and Patents

At Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), scientists are regularly generating interesting research results. Some constructions, such as technical inventions, are eligible for protection of industrial property – i.e., are patentable. The LUH examines whether an invention is patentable and whether a patent application would be economically reasonable on a case-by-case basis. Where applicable, the guidelines of funders are taken into account as part of this process.

Excellent research and development which is worth it!

Leibniz University Hannover conducts outstanding research and development work. Industry can benefit from this excellence by licencing proprietary research results. 

On the basis of intellectual property rights, firms can work together with Leibniz University Hannover researchers to develop innovative products and processes and thereby gain a competitive advantage.

Commercialisation opportunities

Licence distribution

Leibniz University Hannover is grants licences to firms which are interested in using technologies based on our research results. The revenues are used to the benefit of research activities at LUH.

Cooperations and joint ­development projects

Leibniz University Hannover aims to successfully transfer its research results into practial application. In addition to licencing IPR, another framework for this can be a cooperative project with industry, possibly together with other universities or research institutions. Development projects intended to address specific industry problems are also possible. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Founding a company through a patent

It is possible to patent research results at Leibniz University Hannover and found a company based on this. The possibilities for commer­cialisa­tion within the framework of starting a company stem from the sharing, licencing or sale of the patent.

Our partners for patents and licences

Services for members of Leibniz University Hannover

We offer the following services to members of Leibniz University Hannover who intend to register an intellectual property right:

  • Personal consultation
  • General information on intellectual property rights
  • Identification of patentable research results
  • Support in the registration of inventions and patent applications

If you have invented something as an employee of the LUH, you can report your invention via the staff portal.

Your contact person

Helge Wilker
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
Brühlstraße 27
30169 Hannover
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