Summer Engineering Research Program (SERP)

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I've loved it here, it's been so fun! I've met so many different people and experienced so many new things that I never would have got to experience in the US. I'm definitely going to miss... everything about it really!
Hadley Susie, University of Nebraska Lincoln

Experience German engineering and be part of a professional research team at Leibniz University Hannover, one of the 9 top technical universities (TU 9) in Germany!

  • Time & schedule: May 19 - August 5, 2025
  • Language: Fully conducted in English
  • Costs: 3100 € per student
  • Credits: 10 ECTS (equivalent 5 US/Canadian credit hours)
  • Participants: Students enrolled in engineering and science bachelor and masters programmes
  • Application Deadline: February 01, 2025


The program

  • Application process

    You will complete your application online through our MoveOn System

    • LUH online application (MoveON)  (Please find tips for MoveOn here) and upload the following documents:
      • Application form
      • Letter of motivation (Max 1 page about your goals and motivation for pursuing the intership)
      • One letter of reference from the faculty or academic advisor of your home university
      • Transcript of records
      • CV
      • Scan of your passport identity page

    Once you have applied, please send an email to Stephen.sechrist @ with a Scanned copy of the PDF generated by MoveOn, signed by your study abroad advsior.

    The application deadline is February 01 2025


    1. After we receive your application, it will be sent to the research supervisor for the project(s) for which you are interested. 
    2. He/She may request a video interview with you to discuss your application.
    3. Once he/she accepts you as an intern, we will issue the letter of acceptance to you. You will need to sign and return this to us.
    4. If he/she does not offer you a spot, we will assist you in identifying an alternative if you would like. 


    • Students must have a valid passport to travel to Europe but the passport does not need to be valid at the time they apply to the program.
    • Citizens of many countries, including  Australia, Canada, US, Japan, New Zealand, UK, EU countries (see Overview of visa requirements/exemptions for entry into the Federal Republic of Germany - Federal Foreign Office) are not required to obtain a visa to enter and may stay in Germany for up to 90 days.
    • If you are a citizen of a country that is required to obtain a visa, we can provide a visa support letter for you.

    Program fee

    • Program fees are due on March 15, 2025. An invoice for the program fee will be sent with the acceptance letter.
    • Bank account:

    Leibniz Universität Hannover
    Hochschulbüro für Internationales
    Nord/LB Hannover
    IBAN DE81 2505 00000151 0483 94
    Bank code 250 500 00
    Account 151 048 394
    Reference number: <will beprovided in the invoice>

    • If participation is cancelled after receiving the official acceptance letter, a non-refundable fee of 1000€ may be assessed.
    • Payment is by wire transfer. Payment by credit card is not possible at this time.
    • Bank wire charges may reduce the total amount received by LUH. Please consider this and calculate the amount accordingly.



    • Accommodation will consist of a single dormitory room with a shared kitchen and bathroom. New linens (sheets, blanket and pillow) are provided.
    • Please note that the rooms provided need to be cleaned and maintained by the participant. It needs to be left in the same condition as it was upon arrival. If rooms have to be extensively cleaned after departure, the participant will be charged with the additional cleaning costs. 



    • German national health insurance (including liability and accident insurances) is  included in the program fee. Insurance is valid in all EU countries for the duration of the program.
    • Your home university may also require you to purchase additional insurance.


    Orientation/Introduction Week

    • Participation in Introduction Week is expected. Please plan your arrival and departure accordingly, ideally for the weekend before the start and after the end of the program.


    Credit and Transcripts

    • Participants will receive 10 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) which are typically converted to 5 US or Canadian credit hours, depending on rules and regulations at your home university.
    • Transcripts will be sent out (scan and hard copy) to the students and their home university advisors shortly after the end of the program (usually two weeks later).
  • After acceptance

    Student - Faculty Matching

    Accepted applicants will be notified of their acceptance by program director Stephen Sechrist and will receive contact information for their assigned research supervisors. We will match each participant as close as possible with a research project/team that suits the student’s interests. Participants are expected to get in touch with their research supervisor before coming to Hannover.

    Study buddy

    Participants will be matched with a local outgoing student as a Study Buddy (similar to a student ambassaor). The Study Buddy will pick the participant up at Hannover Central TRain Station or the international airport (HAJ) and help you check in to your housing. They will also be there to assist and answer any questions that may arise during the stay in Hannover.

    Before you leave home

    Participants are expected to inform their Study Buddy as well as the International Office about their arrival dates in Hannover. To ensure a good start for the internship, participants should contact their advisor before coming to Hannover.

    The International Office will host an online pre-arrival meeting in March to answer students' questions about next steps and arrival in Germany. The International Office Staff are also always available for questions.

  • Introduction week
    visiting "Einstein elevator" at Hannover Institute of Technology

    Introduction Week is a program orientation and includes logistical matters such as moving into your residence hall, getting your Student ID card, understanding German health insurance, campus and city tour, using public transportation, a couple of company visits, and meeting your research supervisors.

    During your time with us we will organise a couple of events, including a  trip to Hamburg and to the VW Factory.

    We also know that you may want to have time to explore Germany (and perhaps neighboring countries) on your own during the weekends so we leave ample free time for you as well!

    I had a fun week when I got here. The visits to Hannover and other places are all awesome to get the first impression of Germany.
    Dongwei Bai, Purdue University
  • Research presentation

    At the end of your research internship, you will give a short presentation about the research you conducted and the overall experience of conducting research ina  global setting. Below are a few examples from previous years:

  • 2025 Research Projects

    Research Projects - 2025

    Project descriptions

    Collaborative Research Center 1368: Oxygen free production (multiple projects)

    The objective of the Collaborative Research Centre is to develop a basic understanding of the processes and mechanisms involved in manufacturing, assembly and handling technology in oxygen-free environments. This will open up the completely new field of "oxygen-free production", which will add new possibilities to established processes, significantly increase the performance of the products manufactured and enable entirely new processes.

    Multiple projects

    • A01 – Compound Casting 
    • A02 – Additive Manufacturing 
    • A03 – Powder Forming Processes 
    • A04 - Sintered Coatings for Hot Stamping 
    • A05 – Roll Bonding
    • A06 – Laser Beam Brazing
    • B03 – Cutting
    • B04 – Adhesive-based assembly processes
    • B05 – Thermal plasma joining processes
    • C03 – Tool Wear Protection
    • C04 – Cooling concepts for Grindin


    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

    Institute of Assembly Technology and Robotics

    At the Institute of Assembly Technology and Robotics (match), future-oriented ideas for automated and robot-assisted assembly in production are developed under the direction of Professor Annika Raatz. In addition to research in the area of tension between humans and machines, match offers a variety of courses in the fields of robotics and assembly.

    1. Intuitive 6D pose estimation – Back-end orchestration and API
    2. The Design and Validation of an Air Nozzle Digital Twin Model 
    3. Intuitive 6D pose estimation – Apple Vision Pro Application
    4. Intuitive 6D pose estimation – Web-based UI for inference

    Institute of Multiphase Processes

    The Institute of Multiphase Processes (IMP) under the leadership of Prof. h.c. Dr.-Ing. Glasmacher, M.Sc. has opened up new fields of biomedical engineering and developed and established technologies in addition to the established fields of process engineering research. The focus here is on the application of basic process engineering principles to biomedical engineering issues. The IMP is currently mapping a complete process chain in the development of new products for regenerative medicine.

    1. Surface modification of cochlear implant electrodes
    2. Magnetic hydrogels for tissue engineering
    3. Surface characterization of superhydrophobic SLIPS-Coatings

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    Institute of Electrotechnology*

    The ETP is an institute of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Since its foundation in 1928, ETP has been conducting research and development projects on industrial electrothermal process technology.

    1. Electromagnetic Stirring Applications for the Continuous Casting of Metals: Investigation and Optimization of the Process under Different Electrical Inputs
    2. Enhancing Sustainability: A Systematic Approach to Evaluate Electric Substitution Concepts for Gas-Powered Industrial Furnaces

    Institute of Electronic Materials and Devices (Group for Micro- and Nano-Integrated Systems)

    The Institute of Electronic Materials and Devices works on advancements in future Si-based nanoelectronics. Our research focuses on new, primarily crystalline materials and material combinations (epitaxial heterostructures) and innovative device concepts on silicon. We demonstrate the potential of these developments by the creation of prototypes. Collaborating with capable partners, we leverage our semiconductor expertise to produce highly efficient solar cells.

    1. Development and characterization of smart hydrogels for biomedical sensor applications

    Do your interests lie outside these areas?  Let us know and we are happy to reach out to faculty individually to identify a suitable research internship.

  • Costs and Credits

    Fee covers:

    • administration and enrollment fees (and 10-12 ECTS credits)
    • housing in a single dorm room (Studentenwerk Hannover)
    • health, accident and liability insurance for Germany/EU
    • public transportation in Hanover and Lower Saxony
    • social and cultural activities
    • field trips
    • company visits


    • 5-6 US credit hours (10-12 ECTS)
The time out here was really nice, because the professors and students always answered my questions. They provided time for me. Hannover is a really nice place to study and get knowledge.
Harunari Soeda, Tokyo Institute of Technology

More Information

  • FAQ's

    Is my home university a partner university of the LUH?

    Our North American and Australian partner universities are:

    • Concordia College
    • King's University College
    • Michigan Technological University (Michigan Tech)
    • Pennsylvania State University
    • Purdue University
    • University of Calgary
    • University of Nebraska Lincoln and Omaha
    • University of New Brunswick
    • University of North Carolina - Wilmington
    • University of Wollongong Australia


    What is included in the program fees?

    The program fee of 3.100 € covers single room accommodation; health and liability insurance; train, bus and subway transportation in the state of Niedersachsen;  state semester fee; company site visits; social and cultural activities. A meal plan is not included, cost of food purchases are estimated around 300 € per month.

    How do I find a suitable institute or research area?

    All institutes list their current research fields on their respective websites. Please follow the provided links. For example, if you''re a mechanical engineering student interested in combustion engines, click on ''School of Mechanical Engineering'', then follow the link for ''Institute For Technical Combustion'' and check out their research fields.

    We have some listed research groups on our website, but there are many more so if you have an specific interest, let us know and we will reach out to that institute.

    Some of the institutes'' pages are in German only. How do I deal with that?

    If you find a German only website, you can download an add-on that translates automatically (f.e. google translator). Furthermore, you can also copy & paste all German text into google translator without installing any add-ons (search for "google translate" in google bar). For further assistance please contact us!

    How does matching work?

     After handing in your complete application form it will be forwarded to your chosen institutes, beginning with No. 1 on your list. If No. 1 declines, No. 2 will receive your papers...we will contact you immediately after your application is accepted and program fees are due.

    Which academic requirements do I have to meet to get accepted for my desired research field?

    We accept applications from students who will have completed one year of undergraduate study by the time they begin the program. Professors will expect a certain level of knowledge in their respective fields. You will need at least one course that fits the institutes'' research scope. For example, institutes researching the field of automatic control engineering will require you to have a minimum of passed one automatic control course at your home university. In this program, the professors who provide placements will be in charge of the final selection of candidates. If your completed classes meet the broader scope of the institute’s requirements, everything should be fine.

    What is MoveOn and how do I register?

    MoveOn is a  LUH data base containing all incoming/outgoing student movements for statistical & informative reasons. The only information we need is your full name, birthday, address, e-mail address, and home university. An online registration is sufficient. Please use the following link: MoveOn Incomings registration

    What should a letter of motivation contain and how long should it be?

    A letter of motivation is always addressed to those that decide on your acceptance. First, answer the following questions in your own words (1/2-1 pages): Why do you want to participate in this program? Why do you want to go to Germany? What do you hope to achieve by participating in the program? Secondly, you should write about your motivation for the specific research field at your chosen institute that you are interested in (1/4 pages per choice). 

    What are letters of reference and how do I get them?

    A letter of reference is  written by your educational supervisor, usually from your university (professors) or from companies you have worked at (superior authorities). It contains information about your working habits (hard & soft skills) like

    • relationship to other students/employees
    • learning abilities
    • problem-solving
    • self-reliance and independence
    • sense of responsibility


    Please provide at least one letter of recommendation from a professor at your university.

    Will I get  credit hours for this program?

    You will receive 10 ECTS points (European Credit Transfer System) for participation in this program, which converts to 5 US credit hours (e.g. Purdue University). Admission of US credit hours will be approved for a similar course at your home university by your home university''s study advisor.

    What is the housing like?

    You will be accommodated  in single bed rooms (singles). You can have a closer look at a standard dorm room at the Studentenwerk Hannover by visiting their website: Studentenwerk Hannover: Details (

    I have food allergies. How can I know what I can eat?

    All ingredients, including potential allergens, are listed on the labels at the cafeterias. Supermarkets have to list all allergic contents on the packing as well.

  • Information für teilnehmende Institute

    In diesem Programm arbeiten amerikanische Studenten von Partneruniversitäten -oder Institutskontakten in Nordamerika- von Mitte Mai bis Ende Juli (11 Wochen) an einem von Ihnen vorgegebenen Projekt. Die Studenten werden von uns während der gesamten Programmdauer betreut (Unterkunft und alles Organisatorische).

    Die Bewerbungsfrist ist am 1. Februar des jeweiligen Jahres. Die Bewerbungen reichen wir an Sie weiter, damit Sie eine Auswahl treffen können.

    Im Rahmen des Programms können vom Hochschulbüro für Internationales leider keine Kosten für Laborequipment übernommen werden. Jeder Studierende wird zusätzlich zur gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung haftpflicht- und unfallversichert sein.

    Für eventuelle Rückfragen steht Ihnen Stephen Sechrist gerne zur Verfügung.

Impressions from Hannover

Program coordinator north america and oceania, ISEP coordination

Stephen James Sechrist
Administrative/Technical Staff
Welfengarten 1A
30167 Hannover
Office hours
Mon. - Thu. all day
Welfengarten 1A
30167 Hannover
Office hours
Mon. - Thu. all day