We ask you to submit all applications and forms* of the admissions office exclusively in electronic form via the email address studium@uni-hannover.de.
Please scan your signed form and, if necessary, the according evidence. Please send us your application including the supporting documents as a pdf-file (preferably as one document) by email. It would help us a lot if you let us know in the subject line or in the text field of your email which request you are making. We reserve the right to request original or certified copies of proof, if required.
* Exceptions to this are waiver declarations ("Turning Down University Places / Verzichtserklärung - Verzicht auf Studienplatz"), which must continue to be sent in by post to the admissions office, provided you have already received your student documents (student ID).
Enrolment regulations of Leibniz University
Before your studies
- Certificate of Acceptance as Doctoral Student / Bestätigung der Annahme der Promotion
- Placement Recommendation / Einstufungsempfehlung
- Placement Recommendation for the Bachelor's Degree Course in Special Needs Education / Einstufungsempfehlung (Bachelor Sonderpädagogik)
- Attachment to application for admission at LUH (Students Resuming their Studies) / Anlage zum Antrag auf Zulassung an der LUH (Studienfortsetzungsblatt)
- Turning Down University Places / Verzichtserklärung - Verzicht auf Studienplatz
During your Studies
- Form for name change / Antrag auf Namensänderung
- Academic Leave of Absence / Beurlaubungsbogen
- Dual Degree Studies / Doppelstudium
- Dual Degrees / Parallelstudium
- Swapping University Places / Studienplatztausch
- Application for Part-time Studies / Teilzeitstudium
- Exchange of Major and Minor Subject within the Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree Programme /Tausch von Major- und Minorfach im Fächerübergreifenden Bachelor
- Continued Enrolment in Law for Mark Improvement / Fortbestehen der Immatrikulation zur Notenverbesserung der Staatsprüfung (Rechtswissenschaften)
- Change of Minor Subject in Special Needs Education / Änderung des Zweitfachs im Bachelorstudiengang Sonderpädagogik
- Application for Exemption for the Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree Programme (Teacher Training Course for Grammar Schools) / Ausnahmegenehmigung beim Fächerübergreifender Bachelor (Lehramt an Gymnasium)
- Course termination / Beendigung eines Studiengangs
After your studies
In the event of withdrawal up to 1 month after the start of the lecture period, an application for refund of the semester fees must be submitted.
In the event of withdrawal during the current semester (by August 31 / February 28), the application for a refund of the semester ticket fees must be submitted at the AStA.
Semester fees
- Refunds of Semester Fees / Erstattung von Semesterbeiträgen
- Refund of Semester Ticket Fees in case of withdrawl from university / Rückerstattung des Semestertickets [AStA]
- Exemption from Long Term Study fees / Antrag auf Befreiung von den Langzeitstudiengebühren
- Attachment to document income for the Exemption from LTS fees / Anhang zum Antrag auf Befreiung von den Langzeitstudiengebühren: Erklärung über Einkommensverhältnisse
- Exemption from Semester Ticket Fees for disabled students / Befreiung vom oder Erstattung des Semestertickets für Schwerbehinderte
- Exemption from Deutschlandsemesterticket Fees for disabled students / Befreiung vom oder Erstattung des Deutschlandsemestertickets für Schwerbehinderte
- Application form for reduction of supplement courses (3rd subject in the teacher training for grammar school or 2nd subject in Special Needs education) / Antrag auf Reduzierung des Entgelts für die Ergänzungsstudiengänge
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Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover