Research Staff (Postdoc Position) in the DFG-Project “Visions of cultural heterogeneity between Afro- and Indoamerica”
(salary scale 13 TV-L, 100%)
Embedded in a modern city surrounded by nature and with an exceptional standard of living, Leibniz University Hannover offers excellent working conditions in a vibrant scientific community.
Within the framework of the DFG Research Unit FOR 5700/1 “TransExile: Negotiations of Aesthetics and Community in Post-Revolutionary Mexico”, 6 sub-projects examine the networks between exiles of various origins and Mexican artists, writers and intellectuals in context, in particular the diverse artistic activities and productions that characterize this field. The interdisciplinary research group considers Mexico as an exemplary space of contact and a hub of widely ramified networks. In it cooperate researchers from literary and cultural studies (Romance studies, Latin American studies, German studies), Cultural Anthropology and Art History from the universities of Hannover, Hamburg, Rostock, Bonn, Lüneburg, Tübingen and Wuppertal. The sub-project “Visions of Cultural Heterogeneity between Afro- and Indo-America. Transexilic Networks in Post-Revolutionary Mexico” is based at the Department of Romance Studies. It investigates how (re)conceptualizations of Afro- and Indo-America emerged between 1920 and 1950 through the articulations of anthropological knowledge and artistic aesthetics, with the participation of exiles.
The Institute of Romance Studies/Spanish welcomes applications for the following position starting April, 1st 2025: Research Staff (Postdoc Position) in the DFG-Project “Visions of cultural heterogeneity between Afro- and Indoamerica” (salary scale 13 TV-L, 100%)
The fixed-term position is for a duration of 48 months. The scope of the position is 100% of the regular weekly working hours. For information on the salary for this position, please click here.
Your role
The successful candidate will be employed in the sub-project “Visions of Cultural Heterogeneity between Afro- and Indo-America. Together with the team as well as German and Latin American cooperation partners, he or she will reconstruct networks between Caribbean, Central American and European exiles and Mexican intellectuals in (post)revolutionary Mexico (1920-1960). This research will explore converging aestheticizations of indigeneity and Afrodescendence, (re)conceptualizations of community and questions of transmedia and transcultural artistic articulations of anthropological knowledge.
An important figure in the transexilic field is the Guatemalan-Mexican artist and cultural politician Carlos Mérida, who mediates visual practice and dance. The postdoc should therefore conceive and realize an independent project on Mérida or comparatively with other transnational actors in the field of visual and cultural studies and sharpen the project’s overarching questions from a transmedia perspective.
- Together with colleagues in the research group, you will coordinate research, organize sub-project-related conferences and workshops and prepare funding applications.
- You will participate in the various events and in the conception and production of joint publications.
- You will contribute to the general tasks and structures of the research group and the Department of Romance Studies according to the development of your sub-project and your general interests.
During the semester, the position holder is expected to be present on site in Hannover. You must be available for regular work meetings in Hannover and be prepared to participate in a structured research program (Germany-wide) as well as stays abroad, i.e. in Mexico. Travel and material allowances as well as family and childcare allowances will be awarded in accordance with DFG guidelines. Applications from abroad are especially welcome.
Who are we looking for?
Candidates must hold an academic university degree, preferably in the field of Latin American cultural or visual studies or art history and related disciplines.
The following qualifications are expected:
- A completed or imminent doctorate in the field of Cultural and Visual Studies
- Very good knowledge of Spanish; German or English (B2-C1) for communication in the research unit
In addition, we are looking for a candidate with the following:
- Expertise in the field of Latin American and Central American studies
- Familiarity with academic debates on Afrodescendant and/or indigenous cultures
- ideally, familiarity with Dance studies
- Experience in or open-mindedness towards interdisciplinary collaboration
Equal opportunities and diversity are core values at Leibniz University Hannover. Our goal is to tap into individual potential and open up possibilities. We therefore welcome applications from anyone interested in the position, irrespective of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or ideology, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.
We strive towards a balanced and diverse workforce and a reduction in under-representation in accordance with the Lower Saxony Equal Rights Act (Niedersächsisches Gleichberechtigungsgesetz – NGG). We therefore particularly encourage applications for the above-mentioned position from women. Preference will be given to equally-qualified candidates with disabilities.
Why join us?
The TransExil research unit offers an excellent research context, opportunities for international research and networking. Working languages are Spanish, English and German. The Romance Department is a small teaching and research unit and offers a collegial working atmosphere in a welcoming team.
Additional information
For further information, please contact Anja Bandau (email: Additional information about the project can be found on the following homepage:
Please submit your application with the letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, proof of the required language skills, certificates, certified copies as well as an exposé of the project idea (2 pages) by February 28th, 2025 to
or alternatively by post to:
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Romanisches Seminar
Prof. Dr. Anja Bandau
Schloßwender Str. 1, 30159 Hannover
Information on the collection of personal data according to article 13 GDPR can be found at: