Problems at university – What can I do about them?
If you have recurring doubts or problems at university, pluck up your courage and seek support. It may initially take some effort to talk about your feelings, but you will soon find that you are not alone with your questions.
Step 2: Get to the bottom of the causes
To be able to bring about positive change, it is important to become aware of the roots of your dissatisfaction and doubts. Sometimes they are relatively obvious. But other times, the reasons are not apparent at first sight, and tend to be vague or subconscious.
You can find initial opportunities for self-reflection in our brochure How to Approach Doubts About Your Studies.
Heidelberg University currently offers a general online self-assessment tool for students who are having doubts about their studies.
Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) also offers support and counselling formats for questions and problems that arise during your studies. Below you can find out who you can contact with which questions.
Who can I contact?
Initial help and guidance
- “I don’t know how I can carry on like this.”
- “I feel as though I'm stuck in a rut.”
- “Things are not going so well at the moment. Is this normal?”
- “I want to know what options are available to me and where I can seek support.”
Student Advisory Services
First port of call, confidential advice on questions concerning guidance at university, problems with your studies, decision-making processesPsychological Counselling for Students (ptb)
Confidential counselling for psychosocial problems -
In the event of performance issues
- “I'm not performing as well as I had hoped.”
- “I find it difficult to learn.”
- “I suffer from exam anxiety.”
- “I increasingly put things off.”
- “I can’t get to grips with my programme properly.”
Course advice
For questions regarding study content and the organisation of studies, for matters regarding examination rulesZQS - Learning support
For learning difficulties, writer’s block and problems with examsPsychological Counselling for Students
For exam anxiety, motivational issues, and constantly putting things off -
In the event of questions related to changing subjects or degree programmes
- “I'm thinking about changing subjects, but am not sure whether it is a good idea.”
- “I would like to change subjects, but I do not know which alternative programme would be ideal for me.”
- “I like my degree programme, but I'm not happy with the course structure. What can I do about it?”
Student Advisory Services
University guidance and help choosing a degree programme, information about application processesCourse advice
Information about course content and course structure -
In the event of questions concerning alternatives to university
“I'm not sure whether university is the right thing for me.”
- “I'm thinking about changing to an apprenticeship.”
Chamber of Crafts Hannover (HWK)
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) -
In the event of questions concerning prospects for the future
- “I don’t know what my degree will enable me to do later on.”
- “How will I be able to get a job after university?”
- “What options are open to me after I complete my bachelor's degree?”
Career Service
Support with entering the job marketStudent Advisory Services
Support with the transition from a bachelor’s programme to a master’s programme -
In the event of personal difficulties
- “I don't have friends at university.”
- “I don’t feel comfortable living in my new place of residence.”
- “I cannot motivate myself.”
- “I have family problems or private problems.”
In the event of complaints
- "I am being discriminated against, bullied, harassed."
- "I am being treated unfairly."
- "There are fundamental problems with the organisation of my degree programme."
Equal Opportunities Office
Support and advice regarding equal opportunities, conflicts and discriminationOmbuds office for studies and teaching
Contact for students with problems, complaints and suggestions related to studies and teachingStudents' Union
Student advising and support -
In the event of financial difficulties
- “I am not getting a student grant (BAföG) (any longer). What alternatives are available to me?”
- “I am a self-funded student. My studies are suffering because of my part-time jobs. Are there any other funding options?”
Balancing studies with family responsibilities
“I am expecting a child whilst at university. What do I have to think about and who can provide assistance?”
- “What support is available for students with family responsibilities?”
Other advising services
Representative for students with disabilities
Student Complaint Management
Port of call for students with problems, complaints or suggestions related to learning and teachingAnsprechpartner für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten im Hochschulbüro für Internationales
Information and support for refugees
Step3: Sound out your options. What options are open?
Students with doubts about their university studies often feel like they are stuck in a rut. In most cases, however, a wide range of options are open to them:
You can continue in higher education
Finish your degree by seeking support as necessary (see “Who can I contact?”)
- Continue studying the same subject but choose a different type of study (e.g. university of applied sciences instead of university) or move to a different university town
- Change degree programmes or subjects
Other search options:
- Hochschulkompass
Nationwide database of degree programmes
- Infos zum Studium in Niedersachsen
- Individual university websites
Take time out and/or obtain new input
- Take a leave of absence
- Do an internship
- Get a taste of other degree programmes
- Gain experience abroad
- Pursue an honorary office or volunteer service
Other search options:
- Volunteer organisations:
Take up an apprenticeship
- Change to a dual study programme (study + apprenticeship)
- Complete a dual apprenticeship
- Complete school-based training
Other search options:
Enter the world of work
- Enter a profession with an undergraduate degree
- Become self-employed
Other search options:
- Entering the job market:
Step 4: Make a change: yes or no? How do I make the right decision?
What can help me with the decision-making process?
- Decision-making processes need time. It is absolutely normal to initially put out feelers in different directions and to feel uncertain about things. Be sure to take your time to decide, and set yourself a realistic deadline for when you want to make the decision.
- Find out as much information as you can – but remember that it is impossible to consider all aspects in advance.
Think about your interests and skills, your previous experience and your hopes for the future. Help is available here:
- Student Advisory Services
- Psychological Counselling for Students
- Examine your intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
- If you are finding it difficult to come to a decision, make use of the support services.
- Never make an important decision when you are in a poor state of body or mind. Your health is more important. If in doubt, seek medical or psychological assistance.
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
Motivational psychology divides the reasons for our actions into internal (intrinsic) and external (extrinsic) motivation factors:
Intrinsic motivation
I do something for the sake of it :
- because I enjoy doing it.
- because it appears meaningful to me.
- because it interests me and arouses my curiosity.
Extrinsic motivation
I do something because of external inducements such as:
- good pay.
- a high standing.
- my social environment expects it of me.
- anticipated job security.
Ideally, both intrinsic and extrinsic factors should play a crucial role in your decision-making. Things can often become problematic in the long term if extrinsic factors clearly outweigh intrinsic factors, if there is no intrinsic motivation at all, or if a decision based on intrinsic factors leads to major conflict in the external environment.
Support services
Leibniz University offers various support services and contact people for students who are unhappy with their (study) situation.
Key skills and more
Do you need support with learning, preparing for exams, time management and self-organisation, presentations or academic writing? The ZQS/Key Competencies team is happy to help by providing personal advising, seminars and workshops.
Learn about studying at Leibniz University Hannover on social media:

Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover