How and when can I apply to transfer to Leibniz University Hannover?
If you want to remain in the same proramme (same name, same degree) when transferring to Leibniz University Hannover, please apply directly for the next higher semester. If the name of the degree programme or the degree deviates (e.g. from primary school to high school teaching qualification), you first have to be placed by your new faculty. The achievements you already have completed during your studies are checked and a decision is made in which semester you can continue your studies at the LUH. If in doubt, please ask the responsible contact person whether a further classification is necessary.
The classification for 1-subject Bachelor's degree programmes is usually carried out by the chairperson of the respective examination board. For a placement in a 2-subject bachelor's program, however, please contact the course advise. All contact persons for placement in a higher semester can be found in the section Examination information and course advise.
After having been placed by the faculty, use the online application portal to apply as a “transfer student” for the relevant semester. In addition, please also submit the study continuation sheet ('Studienfortsetzungsblatt'). For subjects with restricted admissions (‘NC subjects’), the application deadline for the summer semester is 15 January and for the winter semester 15 July of the same year. For free choice subjects, the application deadline for the summer semester is 31 March and for the winter semester 30 September of the same year.
If a degree programme is subject to restricted entry in the first semester, this usually also applies to higher semesters. In this case, you may only gain a place if places are available that semester, for example due to students leaving the programme.
There is therefore a risk that you may not receive a place even though you are entitled to study in a higher semester. Since the number of places that may become available can only be determined once the re-registration period has ended, letters of admission and rejection will only be sent at the beginning of March and the beginning of September, respectively.
There are no such restrictions of places on degree programmes with open admissions. You need only terminate your registration for your old degree programme or at your old higher education institution by the time of enrolment on the new degree programme.
I would like to continue my studies at Leibniz University Hannover.
Can my previous credits be transferred?
Credits and examinations from your previous higher education institution will be accepted at Leibniz Universität if they are found to be equivalent.
In the case of single-subject Bachelor’s degree programmes, the Chair of the Examination Committee is usually responsible for transferring credits. Concerning placement for a two-subject Bachelor’s degree programme, please contact the Specialist Advisors.
All contact persons are listed in the section Information about examinations and study advice.
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Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover