Bachelor application - for prospective students from Germany and EU countries

Fassade des Welfenschlosses in der Abenddämmerung Fassade des Welfenschlosses in der Abenddämmerung Fassade des Welfenschlosses in der Abenddämmerung © Zentrale Studienberatung / LUH


Information about applying for an undergraduate degree programme (bachelor or state examination) at Leibniz University Hannover for applicants with a German Abitur qualification and applicants from EU Member States:
You count as an EU applicant if you completed your school-leaving certificate in Germany or an EU (or EEA) country OR your nationality is a country within the EU (or EEA).


Graduates of the preparatory college and refugee applicants also apply like EU applicants!

How does the selection procedure for the restricted-entry degree programmes work?

If there are more applicants than places, there is a system in place stipulating how places are allocated.In the case of restricted-entry degree programmes (“with NC” – or numerus clausus), the university carries out a selection procedure. The Admission Regulations govern how places are allocated.

  • Please aply from June 1st to July 15th. via the respective online portal (see below). Depending on the portal, you must upload your application documents individually as a PDF file (campus management portal) or summarized in one PDF (QIS portal). The following evidence must generally be submitted:
    • University entrance qualification
    • Tabular CV
    • Application for enrollment (only in the QIS portal: you can find this on the last page of the application portal)
    • Any further evidence that may be required will be listed in the respective application portal
  • If you are admitted, you have to accept the admission within the specified period, transfer the semester fee and apply for a health insurance notification from your health insurance company, stating the sender number of Leibniz University Hannover: H0001382. The health insurance company will then automatically send the report to us. Detailed information about these steps can be found in the portal or in the email sent to you.
  • Please don't forget to upload your photo for the LeibnizCard after accepting your place.
  • In September (winter semester) or March (summer semester) you will receive your enrollment documents and information about the start of the semester and possible preparatory courses. Please note that some degree programs offer earlier preparatory courses.
  • NC – numerus clausus

    With most degree programmes, 80-90% of places are allocated based on the criterion of the candidate’s academic performance/grade. In the process, all applications are sorted by process grades. Process grades are calculated on the basis of the Abitur examination grade and, proportionately, additional subject grades that are of particular relevance for the degree programme.

    The Admission Regulations contain information about the subjects that go towards your process grade. Those candidates with the best process grades are placed at the top of the list of candidates, followed by applicants with lower grades. The NC (numerus clausus) of a degree programme is the average  process grade of the last candidate who gained a place on the programme. The NC for a degree programme is always the result of the selection procedure and therefore CANNOT be predicted. The NC from the previous year can only be used as a guide for the next selection procedure!

    "NC- Werte" and waiting time of the last semesters (for orientation only)
  • Waiting time

    With most degree programmes, 10-20% of places are allocated based on the waiting time criterion. Semesters (=half-years) following the Abitur examination that were not spent studying in Germany count as elapsed waiting time. However, only a maximum of 7 waiting semesters can be taken into account.

    As in the case of NC, a ranking list is drawn up, with the top places being held by the candidates with the longest waiting time. In addition, the average Abitur grade is used as the second sorting criterion. The waiting time for a degree programme is always the result of the selection procedure and therefore CANNOT be predicted! The figure can only be used as a guide for the next selection procedure.

    Applicants from Germany and the EU have an equal status in the application procedure! In the event of different grading systems, grades are converted by the admissions team.

  • Applying for several restricted-entry degree programmes?

    You may only apply for one restricted-entry bachelor's degree programme at Leibniz University Hannover. If you are not offered a place on a restricted-entry degree programme, you have until 30 September to enrol on a bachelor's degree programme with open admissions.

How do I enrol on an admission-free degree programme?

  • Winter semester: You can enrol between June 1st. and September 30th via our online application portal.
  • Summer semester: You can enrol  for some bachelor's degree programmes between December 1st. and March 31st. via our online application portal (please find out whether the desired study programme also starts in the summer semester).
  • A university entrance qualification is required to enrol.

Enrolment in an admission-free single-subject Bachelor's programme(via the campus management portal):

  • After your enrolment has been processed, you will be informed via email. You can find the admission or rejection letter in the online portal.
  • If you are admitted, you have to transfer the semester fee and apply for a health insurance notification from your health insurance company, stating the sender number of Leibniz University Hannover: H0001382. The health insurance company will then automatically send the report to us. Detailed information about these steps can be found in the portal or in the email sent to you.
  • Please don't forget to upload your photo for the LeibnizCard.
  • In September (winter semester) or March (summer semester) you will receive your enrolment documents and information about the start of the semester and possible preparatory courses. Please note that some degree programmes offer earlier preparatory courses.

Enrolment in admission-free subjects in the 2-subject Bachelor's programme (via the QIS portal):

  • To enrol, please fill out the online form in the QIS portal. At the end of the form, the following documents must be uploaded directly in one PDF:
  • Apply for a digital health insurance notification from your health insurance company, stating the sender number of Leibniz University Hannover: H0001382. The health insurance company will then automatically send the report to us.
  • Please don't forget to upload your photo for the LeibnizCard.
  • In September (winter semester) or March (summer semester) you will receive your enrolment documents and information about the start of the semester and possible preparatory courses.
  • Please note that some degree programmes offer earlier preparatory courses.

Degree programmes with special admission requirements

  • Degree programmes with special selection procedures

    For some subjects, different application periods apply, or additional certificates or achievements must be presented for admission, which may take some time to arrange.

    Special selection procedures are in place for the following bachelor's degree programmes at Leibniz Universität:

    Please refer to our course portfolio for detailed information about whether special conditions are required for your chosen degree programme, and if so, what these conditions entail.

  • Degree programmes with pre-study internship

    Provision is made for a pre-study internship in several engineering and science subjects. This practical training is not always a necessary requirement for enrolment/application – it can be completed by a specific time later on in the course. Before applying, you should check whether a pre-study internship is required for your desired study programme.

Information for applicants from the EU

Applicants from the EU have an equal status to German candidates when it comes to the allocation of places. Applicants must enclose supporting documents on their knowledge of German with their application for all bachelor's degree programmes at Leibniz University Hannover.

  • At the time of applying, candidates should possess at least language level B1.
  • At enrolment, students must provide evidence of having language level C1

The test for level B1 German skills can be taken at any recognised language school in Germany or at a Goethe-Institut or university abroad; C1 level German certificates may only be issued by certified language schools.

If you have no knowledge of German, we regret that you will not be able to apply for a bachelor's degree programme at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Unfortunately, provisional enrolment is not possible either.

Online application at LUH

Change of the application portal

For all of the above-mentioned bachelor's degree programmes, you apply online. A new application portal is currently being gradually introduced at LUH, while the previous portal will continue to be used. Therefore please note:

For the most degree programmes you still apply via the “old” QIS application portal, for some degree programmes, you have to apply via the “new” campus management portal.

Application via the “old” QIS portal

The QIS application portal can only be viewed online within the application period. As soon as the application period begins, you will find the corresponding link on this page. At the end of the online application, all required documents are listed and must be uploaded as a scan of the original documents by 11:59 pm on the last day of the application deadline the latest.

At the end of the online application, you will automatically be forwarded to a cover letter (the so-called application for enrollment). Sign this application for enrollment (handwritten or digital) and put it together with the required documents into one PDF document, which you can then upload using the upload link provided. If the upload is successful, a green check mark appears at the bottom of the screen with the word "uploaded"- no additional confirmation email will be sent!

Only for the following degree programmes you have to apply via the QIS-portal:

  • Architecture (application expired)
  • Biochemistry (application expired)
  • Computer Science (application expired)
  • Economics and Management (application expired)
  • Geography (application expired)
  • Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree Programme
  • IT and IP Law (application expired)
  • Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning (application expired)
  • Law (State Examination)(application expired)
  • Life Sciences (application expired)
  • Political Science (application expired)
  • Technical Education

For all other bachelor's programmes, applications are submitted via the campus management portal.

Please note: You may only apply to Leibniz Universität Hannover for only one undergraduate degree programme with restricted admission (Bachelor's or state examination)!

Application via the “new” campus management portal

In order to use the campus management portal, you must first create an account. To do this, provide your personal information such as name, date of birth and email address and then assign a password for the account. After you create the account, you will receive a confirmation link via email to activate the account. Once you have activated the account, you can create an application for the desired study programme and upload the required documents within the application period. Please note that you must have uploaded all required documents and submitted the application by the end of the application period!

Re-applying at LUH

  • If you are already enroled at LUH, please log in to campus management here. This also applies if you de-registered from LUH no more than half a year ago.
  • If you were already enroled at LUH and your de-registration was more than a year ago, please create a new account in the campus management portal. In order to link your new account with your previous matriculation number, please send an email to Please include your previous student number and your current email address that you used to create the new account. For authentication, please attach a scan of your ID to the email.

For the most bachelor's programmes, applications are submitted via the campus management portal.

Please note: You may only apply to Leibniz Universität Hannover for only one undergraduate degree programme with restricted admission (Bachelor's or state examination)!

Note - QIS Application for bachelor's degree programmes with two subjects:

Interdisciplinary Bachelor and Teacher Training Course for Technical Education:

If you are applying for an admission-free and a restricted-admission subject, please use the QIS online application portal for admission-restricted programmes.

After Applying

Once the selection procedure has been completed in mid-August, you will receive a written notification of acceptance or rejection. If you are offered a place, you must accept the place within a specified period and subsequently submit any documents that may be missing. Only then will you be enroled in the degree programme.

In September, all applicants who have been admitted will receive their enrolment documents, an invitation to the welcome event for new students and information about any preparatory courses that may be offered.
Please note that some degree programmes offer preparatory courses well before term starts.

You did not get a study place?
If a few places are still vacant shortly before the programme begins, these places are awarded by lottery. Interested candidates who have not yet applied to Leibniz University Hannover may also take part in the lottery.

When does the next application period start?

Winter Semester 2024/25

  • The application period for admission-restricted bachelor's programmes for the winter semester will be from 01.06.-15.07.2024.
  • The application period for admission-free bachelor's programmes for the winter semester will be from 01.06.-30.09.2024.

 Summer Semester 2025

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Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
© Zentrale Studienberatung / LUH
Service Hotline
Our service hotline will be pleased to assist you! Contact us via phone, e-mail or in person!
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover