Leibniz University Hannover is a leading player in the transfer landscape, both for the region and the state of Lower Saxony. Guided by the motto “theoria cum praxi”, the university intends to bring together knowledge-oriented research and application in a mutually beneficial way. At LUH, basic research and application-oriented research are considered as an entity from the outset. The university attaches great importance to connecting these aspects efficiently and sustainably.
With the approach “Cooperation as a principle – we work as a team”, LUH promotes the development of the region and the state of Lower Saxony through close cooperation with the industry. The university considers the region as an area of cooperation and responsibility and aims to create added value for the region via its transfer activities. Knowledge and technology transfer, spin-offs, science communication and academic further education represent the pillars of LUH’s transfer landscape.
Position on transfer
Leibniz University Hannover views transfer as one of its strategic core missions. The university follows the extended definition of transfer established by the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat)1, which includes the dimensions communication of research-based knowledge, scientific guidance, as well as application of science. ‘Communication’ of research-based knowledge can be used for various purposes. Sharing knowledge, further education, participation in social discourses or imparting knowledge in the field of academic research, as well as the basic transfer of knowledge between science and society can also be part of the element communication. LUH considers the promotion of Open Science2 as a significant aspect of this dimension. Preparing reports, strategy concepts and programme drafts or membership in political, social and economic committees or advisory boards are examples where researchers provide scientific ‘guidance’. ‘Application’ of science is aimed at conventional knowledge and technology transfer and includes various aspects such as establishing research collaborations with businesses or public institutions, spin-offs or registering and licensing intellectual property rights.
In addition, LUH views academic further education as an inherent part of transfer. Academic further education contributes greatly to opening the university for new target groups in the context of lifelong learning, as well as to transferring scientific findings into the industry, civil society or into political practice, especially in Hannover and the surrounding region.
In accordance with the paradigm “Open Innovation 2.0”, innovation partners in science, civil society, politics and the industry seek mutual and permanent exchange. On a give-and-take basis with regard to ideas, suggested solutions, practical examples and empirical value, the full potential of scientific transfer is tapped in a sustainable manner.
LUH views itself as an essential player in the regional innovation ecosystem and is committed to being involved in overcoming future challenges. LUH’s key research areas and its comprehensive network with external partners (universities, research facilities, businesses, foundations, partners in politics) form an excellent basis for successful and sustainable transfer activities. In particular, the key research areas production engineering and biomedical research provide extensive opportunities for successful and value-creating transfer of university findings and achievements into the industry and into medicine, also based on close cooperation with Hannover Medical School. The key areas quantum optics and gravitational physics contribute to basic research with important application potential. Additional potential for creating socially and economically relevant contributions exists in the fields of robotics, health research, digital society and optical technologies.
Targets and implementation of transfer strategy
Leibniz University Hannover intends to intensify its transfer activities. This transfer strategy aims to improve coordination of existing activities while using resources efficiently. In order to implement the targets described in the transfer strategy, six fields of action are defined, which will be used as a basis for developing a roadmap. This transfer strategy is intended as an overall strategy and a starting point for preparing additional individual strategies.
The following headings summarise LUH’s overall objectives:
Thriving innovation culture
All relevant members of the university should be made aware of knowledge and technology transfer in order to make better use of the innovation and exploitation potential available across the university.
Dynamic innovation networks
LUH is involved in innovation networks, both within the region and beyond. LUH intends to strengthen the university’s position on a regional level while increasing collaborations with international cooperation and innovation partners3.
Promoting start-ups
LUH aims to promote start-ups at the university in a sustainable manner.
Science in society
LUH intends to be involved in promoting and improving society’s understanding of complex scientific matters.
The following fields of action are defined to foster implementation of the overall objectives listed above:
- Collaborative and commissioned research
- Intellectual property rights4
- Start-ups
- Science communication
- Further education
- Recognition of achievements in transfer
Feasible and, if possible, quantifiable objectives and accompanying measures for each field of action will be developed in a roadmap. This transfer strategy, as well as the roadmap, will be evaluated regularly.
Head of Research and Innovation Services

30169 Hannover

1 cf. policy paper of the German Council of Science and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat) “Wissens- und Technologietransfer als Gegenstand institutioneller Strategie”, 2016,
2 Open Science: All components of the scientific research process (publications, research data, scientific software) will be provided online in a timely manner, free of charge and in open access formats.
3 cf. Internationalisation Strategy of Leibniz University Hannover, 2018,
4 Intellectual property rights (IPR) protect the result of creativity, including intangible assets, in particular industrial property rights (such as patents) and copyright. Patent Strategy of LUH:
Information on the version of this guideline
Valid version number | 1.0 |
Last revised | November 2020 |
Revised by | Research and Innovation Services |
Initial version (version 1.0) issued | 13. November 2020 |
Initial version issued by | Research and Innovation Services |
Anticipated date of revision | as required |
Scheduled frequency of revision | as required |
Department responsible for regular revisions | Research and Innovation Services |
Guideline available at | |