The LeibnizCard

Please note

The LeibnizCard is valid as a semester ticket until September 30, 2024.

From the beginning of the 2024/25 winter semester, students will get the "Deutschlandsemesterticket".

This digital online ticket will be available on all mobile devices with internet access.

More Information

Features and advantages of the LeibnizCard

The LeibnizCard is replacing all the smartcards and paper IDs that were in use until 2018. It combines in one card all the essential functions that you need in everyday life at university:

Using the LeibnizCard as a Student ID is obligatory and may be used as a photo ID for restricted-access events at the university. An official photo ID is to be shown on request. Using the card will make it possible for the right to attend to be checked, thus helping to reduce waiting times.

*In order to use the card as a library card, a separate personal registration in the library is necessary.

**Valid only for payment systems linked to Hannover Student Services’ clearing system.

Please note that activating the video will result in the transfer of data to the respective provider. Further information can be found in our privacy policy.

Play video
Information on the Semester ticket
locations of validation stations


General information

How can I obtain a LeibnizCard?

To receive your personal LeibnizCard you will need to upload a suitable photo in electronic form onto your IDM user account. From Winter Semester 2018/2019 on new students will be required to upload their photo as part of the enrolment application process.

Your initial LeibnizCard will be sent to you by mail and you keep it for the whole time you are a student at Leibniz Universität Hannover. To receive a new validation stamp for each semester on your LeibnizCard, you must validate it of your own accord once you have successfully reregistered The LeibnizCard remains property of Leibniz Universität Hannover. Please look after your LeibnizCard. The card must not be folded or damaged. We advise using a protective cover.

From when on is the LeibnizCard valid?

To be able to use your LeibnizCard as a student ID, you must validate it at one of the designated terminals once you have successfully reregistered (and paid your semester fees). In practice this means that a corresponding validation is stamped on your LeibnizCard. You must repeat this procedure each semester of your own accord. Newly registered students receive there LeibnizCard already validated by mail. It can be used immediately. At the moment there are 11 validation terminals located throughout the university.

What Date is stored on the LeibnizCard?

The following information is printed or stored on the LeibnizCard: 

Visible Data:

  • Type of card ("Student ID")
  • Surname, first name, name affix if applicable
  • Matriculation number
  • Passport photo
  • Valid semester
  • Logos of facilities where it can be used (University Sports, Hannover Student Services, TIB/HOBSY)
  • Library ID / barcode
  • Holographic hallmark
  • Serial number of card
  • Date of production (year/week)

Electronically readable data:

  • Serial number of card
  • ID of card owner
  • Validity period
  • Right to use locker (electronic key)
  • Purse 

The data configuration ensures that only such data can be accessed as is required in any particular situation. All the master data for producing the LeibnizCard is already contained in the data management system of the Registration Office (I-Amt). There is therefore no management of additional personal data. The photo required for producing the LeibnizCard is solely used for printing the chip card and remains within the system of the Registation Office for the purpose of producing a replacement card if required.

What does the LeibnizCard cost?

The first issue of the LeibnizCard at enrolment is free of charge. Likewise, you will receive the first replacement card free of charge if it is defective or worn out. You can collect your replacement card from the ServiceCenter or have it sent to you by post.

A fee of EUR 15 will be charged for issuing a duplicate, e.g. in the event of loss or damage. This fee is waived in the event of a change of name. Cash payment is not possible. The 15 EUR can only be paid by bank transfer.

What do I do, if I lose my LeibnizCard, it stops working or my personal details have changed?

Please report any loss or theft of your LeibnizCard immediately by e-mail to There you apply for a new card to be issued and send us the loss report form. A replacement will be handed out in the ServiceCenter or delivered by post. Please bring an ID or relevant authorization with you when you come to collect it.

The lost card will be blocked for all systems except the HOBSY group. Here the card must be blocked at the individual library locations, according to where you have activated your LeibnizCard.

Cards which have been found and are still in good order can be unblocked and used again as long as no replacement card has been issued.

Leibniz Universität Hannover is not liable in case of loss of the LeibnizCard. In particular, monetary values that might still be in the purse are not reimbursed. A fee of EUR 15 is charged, to be paid via bank transfer, for reissuing the LeibnizCard.

In case of a technical defect or change of personal data (e.g. change of name) please apply immediately for the card to be reissued or updated at the ServiceCenter. If necessary, the fee for the reissuance must be paid after the card has been checked.

Loss report: LeibnizCard
PDF, 417 KB

What happens when I withdraw from the University?

When you deregister or withdraw, your LeibnizCard loses all functions except that of the library ID for the Hannover library group HOBSY. Any credit in the purse must be redeemed beforehand. We are currently working on the option of keeping the purse function on the card in the category "guest" after you have deregistered. There is no right to a reimbursement of the credit in the purse after you have deregistered.

Am I going to receive other certificates apart from the LeibnizCard?

Apart from your LeibnizCard you will not recieve any other certificates by post. You can generate and print out your matriculation certificate as well as your BAföG certificate on Please log in using your QIS online portal user name and password.

The certificates all include a verification code which the recipient (BAFöG office, health insurance etc.) can use here to verify the authenticity of the certificate.

A sample of an online matriculation certificate can be found here.

Functions of the LeibnizCard

How can I load money onto my LeibnizCard?

Loading money onto your LeibnizCard can be done at any of the top-up points of Hannover Student Services (e.g. also at Hochschule Hannover).

How do I pay in the dining halls (Mensa)?

Information on how to pay in the Mensa can be found on the website of Hannover Student Services. The option of paying in cash at selected cash desks will continue.

How do i use my LeibnizCard for lockers?

At each site your LeibnizCard must be activated once for this function at dedicated validation terminals at TIB or the University Sports Centre*. It can then be used immediately as an electronic key. To open or close a locker, hold the card in front of the lock (contactless procedure). The lockers usually close at the end of the opening hours of the buildings and must be released on the next working day by the staff on site. Please note the valid conditions of use for the facility in question, and look after your valuables. We are not liable for any loss.

If you have any questions, the staff at the lending desks, in the reading rooms and at the University Sports Centre will be pleased to assist.

Where is payment with my LeibnizCard accepted?

Some features e.g. payment functions for services such as printing, copying, scanning etc will not be available everywhere to start with. They will be introduced step by step and will be possible wherever the payment system of Hannover Student Services is in use. Information on copying, printing and scanning in the TIB can be found on the TIB website.

Technical information on the LeibnizCard

How does the upload of pictures for the LeibnizCard work?

For the printing of the LeibnizCard, a photo must be sent to the University via the upload tool upon registration. Please do not send us photos by post or via email!

Restricted admission programmes:
You will receive the information about the photo upload together with your letter of admission.

Unrestricted admission programmes:
You can find the information about the photo upload directly after completing the online application in the PDF form.

If you are already enrolled at Leibniz University Hannover and are in possession of a LeibnizCard, a new photo upload is of course not necessary.

The photo should follow the following requirements:

  • Minimum resolution 201 x 272 pixels
  • Format: JPEG, PNG or BMP
  • You must be clearly recognizable on the picture so that the LeibnizCard is valid, but no biometric photo is required

When uploading the photo, you have the option of to scale and clip it. As a rule, the image is automatically scaled to the required size, but can also be done by hand.

What is the meaning of "Attributfreigabe beim WebSSO-Login"?

When uploading a picture via the WebSSo-Service or the identity management (IdM) you will be asked to confirm the Attributfreigabe during WebSSo-Login. By doing so you confirm that the photo upload tool will receive certain necessary personal data. There will be no transfer of data to external parties. Only the LUH-ID as well as the status group are transferred to the photo tool via WebSSO. 

How do I validate my LeibnizCard?

You will have to validate your LeibnizCard at a validation station so that it can be used as a semester card as well as ÖPNV-ticket (ticket for public transport) in the coming semester.

For validation insert your LeibnizCard as depicted in the card reader of the validation station. No further inputs are necessary. After about 20 seconds you will receive your card back with the validity period printed on it. You will have to repeat this process every semester.

If you receive the card without validation, with a restriction notice or shortened validity period you have not been re-registered successfully. If you experience any problems, please contact the ServiceCenter.

The validation stations can be found at different locations inside Leibniz Universität.

Please note to validate your card before the begin of the new semester.

Newly registered students will receive LeibnizCards which have already been validated.

The regulations for the LeibnizCard

The LeibnizCard for students is an electronic student ID and was introduced in the Winter Semester 2017/2018. The regulations for the LeibnizCard, promulgated in the announcements, can be found here (German language only)

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30167 Hannover
© Zentrale Studienberatung / LUH
Service Hotline
Our service hotline will be pleased to assist you! Contact us via phone, e-mail or in person!
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover